Long-term Forest Ecosystem Research LWF

  • Community: Lens / canton VS
  • Date of installation: 15 March 1996
  • Size of the plot: 2 ha
  • Altitude: 1033-1093 m
  • Mean slope: 75%
  • Geology: Subsoil: Penninic, Ferret zone, Triassic; sandy limestone - Surface: hanging rubble
  • Provisional soil type (WSL): Calcaric Cambisol
  • Woodland association after EK72: +- 64: Cytiso-Pinetum silvestris
  • Main tree species: Pinus sylvestris
  • Management system: high forest
  • Silvicultural system: unmanaged
  • Top-height diameter (quadratic average diameter of the 100 thickest trees per ha): 31.8 cm
  • Number of trees BHD >= 12 cm (2011): 2304
  • Maximum tree age:150-170 yr
