- Community: Schänis / canton SG
- Date of installation: 17 September 1997
- Size of the plot: 2 ha
- Altitude: 693-773 m
- Mean slope: 60%
- Geology: Tertiary. Subalpine Molasse, Oligocaen, Chattien, Kalknagelfluh
- Soil types (WSL) : pseudo-overgleyed brown earth
- Woodland association after EK72: 13: Cardamino-Fagetum tilietosum
- Main tree species: Fagus sylvatica
- Management system: high forest
- Silvicultural system: group selection
- Top-height diameter (quadratic average diameter of the 100 thickest trees per ha): 55.8 cm
- Number of trees BHD >= 12 cm (2011): 611
- Maximum tree age: Abies alba130-150 yr - Fraxinus excelsior 130-150 yr - Fagus sylvatica 130-150 yr